Most internet users don’t know what cookies are when they accept them. We’d like to shed some light on what internet cookies are and when you should accept them.
Understanding Internet Cookies

Most internet users don’t know what cookies are when they accept them. We’d like to shed some light on what internet cookies are and when you should accept them.
Like any valuable asset, websites need to be maintained with care and kept secure, but securing your website can be a daunting and confusing task. Let's dive into the most common threats to watch out for and the best practices for keeping your website secure.
If you’re pursuing a website, you’ve probably heard the term “mobile-first design” thrown around. For more than 10 years, we've been employing mobile-first web design at Abstract. We’ve learned a thing or two and hope to pass on to you why mobile-first design creates robust websites that make the most of your investment.
Knowing how to properly care for something as abstract as a website can be overwhelming, but if you’re eager to learn and get help, reading this article is the first step toward investing in long-term avenues of growth for your online presence.
We understand that committing to a web developer is no easy choice. At Abstract, we are dedicated to communicating every step of the process to you along the way; minimizing your confusion and gauging your expectations.
Many business owners, whether just starting out or long established, wonder whether or not they need a website. The decision to make such an investment is never easy, but may be the most important one you make in the next five years.
Web accessibility is essential for building an inclusive, forward-thinking brand in today's digital world. By fostering a more inclusive online environment, you enhance the user experience, expand your reach, and drive loyalty — all while ensuring compliance with legal requirements. Let's explore the basics of web accessibility: why it matters, who it impacts, the business benefits, legal considerations, and more.
We didn’t say how many websites are out there. That number would be 1,859,599,924 and increasing every second. By our definition there are six different types of websites. These are broad categories ranging from the very basic to those that are custom designed for very specific business applications.