It’s one of the great axioms of life. All hard drives will eventually fail - it’s just a question of when and whether or not you’ll be prepared for this eventually. Think about it. What if you lost ALL your work documents, photos, emails and personal data? I’m sure you’d be upset and in some cases devastated. So the obvious thing to do is make sure you are backing up your computer files properly.
Disaster Recovery -
Computer Repair Memory
Join us as we review some of the basic aspects of digital memory.
Cybersecurity Cost of Cyberattacks for Small Businesses
The global interconnectedness of our devices and information systems certainly enhances communication and productivity. However, this interconnectedness has also given rise to cyberattacks, when entities attempt to invade and disrupt our digital systems.
Cybersecurity Make Sure Your Credit Card Transactions are Secure
Statistics indicate that cardholder data breaches are on the rise, and criminals are increasingly targeting small and medium businesses to obtain cardholder information. To help protect consumers’ credit/debit card data the payment card industry now requires any merchant that processes, transmits, or stores customer’s cardholder data to achieve PCI compliance.
Search Engine Optimization To Thrive and Survive You Need SEO
Optimizing websites using SEO techniques is especially important for small business if they wish to thrive and survive. Find out some of the simple tricks that will make your website more easily found in online searches.
Website Design How Many Different Types of Websites Are There?
We didn’t say how many websites are out there. That number would be 1,859,599,924 and increasing every second. By our definition there are six different types of websites. These are broad categories ranging from the very basic to those that are custom designed for very specific business applications.